Clarence Mallett is a 2019 graduate of the CENACLE Spiritual Direction Program and is currently on staff and serving as a mentor for the Emmaus Spiritual Direction second year student. Clarence is a retired educator after over 28 years with a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling from Prairie View University. He also concurrently served 29 years of reserve and active military duty which was inclusive of Viet Nam, Operations Desert Shield and Enduring Freedom. He retired from the U.S. Army as a Lieutenant Colonel.
Clarence followed up with community affiliations which included Advisory Committee for St. Thomas University Counselor Education Program, Diocesan Scripture Study in the Harris County Juvenile Detention Center, and Advisory Committee for Adult Lifelong Learning at North Harris Community College.
Clarence and wife, Gloria has been married for 45 years in which they have been blessed with two children and two grandchildren. Clarence has been a parishioner of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church in Missouri City since its inception where he now serves in Spiritual Direction and Lectio Divina.